If you've never heard of Pokémon, you have obviously been living under a stone for the past decade. If that's the case, you are envied by billions of parents all over the world.
Oh come on. Like you didn't expect a Ball joke.. | ...or two! | Perverts everywhere! | Behold, the only Pokémon whose name just didn't quite fit.. | Cute and cuddly Pokémon, my ass | Whoa, hold on there, guy.. | You're a real saint | Keyword? What is this, AOL? | Only on weekends | Oh my god, it's... ANY STORE IN THE WORLD! | And how do you pronounce it? | Yes! Thank you! | A word you'll never hear outside of Pokémon: super-effective! | You sick little monkey! | Everytime I visit, I remember the smells of my youth | I'd agree if I knew what the hell he was talking about
A here's Earl, Pokémon's own French-guy-with-the-English-skills-of-a-shoe. He kind of talks like Yoda: "You are trainer?" | "Win you did?" | "Very indeed nice!" | "Then study shall you!" | "Teach you I will" | "Earl, I am!" | "More from me you want to hear?" | "Wonderful are Pokémon, yes!" | I hope not an English teacher...
And the creme-de-la-creme... A WINNER IS YOU!