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Hello and congratulation! Welcome to Zany Video Game Quotes, the original repository for humorous video game dialogue! Our goal is to share the funny, silly, poorly-translated, and head-splittingly insane quotes from video games throughout the decades! From the low-budget translations of classic arcade games to the utter bizarreness in today's multi-million dollar productions... no matter how advanced gaming technology becomes, unintentional video game humor will never die! For more information about ZVGQ, please check out our FAQ page!
Welcome to 2013, in which we celebrate the 15th anniversary of our site with the first update in over three years! We've selected 25 new games for our archives with some silly humour to tide everyone over while we continue to prepare the next big update for the site. This site has been important to me for a long time, and I'm excited to see it updated in a proper way that does away with all the messiness of frames and other joys of 90s HTML.
If you haven't done so yet, please Like us on the ZVGQ Facebook page and follow @ZVGQ Twitter! Also, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments regarding the site, please email us. As we redesign the site, we'd love to have some feedback from site visitors as to what you'd like to see in a redesigned ZVGQ. Thanks for visiting and hopefully we'll have some more good news for you before too long!