While some may say it's just another sequel, this game must be played for several reasons, one of which is the severely funnnn-kay Psycho Soldier remix. You'd better hide if you are bad. Ohh yeah...

Yamcha Hibiki's name is magic.


Kyo smashes your self esteem | Iori tells it like it is | Mature is in kahoots with Kirby | Absent-minded Andy | Ha ha! Just wait until the Y2K bug hits your computer! | Choi's favorite pickup line | Hey, I've eaten some tough noodles! You should try some of my Kraft Dinner! | I feel for ya, Kim | Kaiser's sure got the right idea! | Well, you're fat enough to be Santa... | Thanks Yuri! I feel an urge to do something useful! | "Someday, everyone will know Todo! No, not the dog!" | Ryo does his train impression | Then why do you use nightsticks? | "Try next match!" | Uhhh, yeah | Well gee, for a businessman you sure are unprofessional about it! | "You brought out the wolf in me. AAAOOOH!

Robert... Robert... I want to kick you in the teeth, you mental midget...

Ryo lays the hurt down

From the last battles:

Goenitz can't get enough of that alliteration | Daimon makes some mad rhymes | Goenitz certainly isn't PC! | Kyo comments on Benimaru's effeminity | Uh, aren't bad people supposed to go to hell? | Somebody needs some Viagra! | Not only are villains not PC, but Kyo isn't either! | Yeah, well, I am rubber you are glue!

Old people are supposed to be wise, but you wouldn't think that from this lovely analogy | ...Well, last fight until the next KoF increment, at least... | Joe has got the MAD wit