I have yet to imagine anything more satisfying than blowing the limbs off of giant robots.

However, the internet simulation is definitely lacking. Where's the porn?

Quote from Fahbs and BrandonTCA, bloody wanzers


"And if no one buys a car in the next hour, I'll club this here baby seal! Why? Because I'm CRAZY!" | I PITY THE FOOL! | Who's Bad? | Crack Cocaine

The hero of FM3 validates his japanese heritage | And Dennis insults it | Again | Is this guy some kind of KKK hatemonger? | Her facial expression makes this quote that much sweeter [new version of the quote] | What kind of idiot names himself after an abstract mathematical concept? | Hee hee | WATCH YOUR DAMN APOSTROPHES! | WANZER ON WANZER ALL ORAL ACTION!!!

Is that the shooting end, or the punching end? | You haven't seen Yellow Submarine, have you? | The cockpit of a wanzer isn't the best place to make LiveJournal entries, Kazuki | Sounds like fun. Where did they go? | Or else I'll punch you in the throat. | Ooh! Feisty! | I also would have accepted the word "festive" | You know what I don't like about murderers? Instead of coming in, ordering a meal, and paying for it afterwards like your average customer, they kill everyone and steal all the money. That's why I put up the "NO MURDERERS" sign on the door. | Sure! Just give me some chewing gum, a screwdriver, a magnet, and a machine gun! | Like, get a room, guys! | Easier said than done | Maybe they thought you were a woman | Kazuki, did you forget to flush again? | Well, I had some money a few minutes ago, but those damn censors stole it | And why are they called wanzers, anyway? I mean, why not just call them walking tanks? And another thing...

I knew I shouldn't have installed that power jack in the back of my skull... | YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO- *SYNTH CRUSH DEATH* | That's right, you're just going to LEAVE him behind and run | You're both fucking pansies | It's a cannon, and it's crazy. Pretty straight-forward... | Yeah... HE THREW MUD IN THEIR EYES! | It's George Clinton's WANZER OF FUNK! HE'S GONNA DROP DA BOMB ON THIS MUTHA! | So maybe you should stop | Wow, two broken sentences in the same text box! | He's MAD, I TELL YOU! MAD! | WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU! | Wow... How could a group of people using gigantic robot suits to fight against a gigantic international conspiracy gain stress?