However, the internet simulation is definitely lacking. Where's the porn?
Quote from Fahbs and BrandonTCA, bloody wanzers
"And if no one buys a car in the next hour, I'll club this here baby seal! Why? Because I'm CRAZY!" | I PITY THE FOOL! | Who's Bad? | Crack Cocaine
The hero of FM3 validates his japanese heritage | And Dennis insults it | Again | Is this guy some kind of KKK hatemonger? | Her facial expression makes this quote that much sweeter [new version of the quote] | What kind of idiot names himself after an abstract mathematical concept? | Hee hee | WATCH YOUR DAMN APOSTROPHES! | WANZER ON WANZER ALL ORAL ACTION!!!
Is that the shooting end, or the punching end? | You haven't seen Yellow Submarine, have you? | The cockpit of a wanzer isn't the best place to make LiveJournal entries, Kazuki | Sounds like fun. Where did they go? | Or else I'll punch you in the throat. | Ooh! Feisty! | I also would have accepted the word "festive" | You know what I don't like about murderers? Instead of coming in, ordering a meal, and paying for it afterwards like your average customer, they kill everyone and steal all the money. That's why I put up the "NO MURDERERS" sign on the door. | Sure! Just give me some chewing gum, a screwdriver, a magnet, and a machine gun! | Like, get a room, guys! | Easier said than done | Maybe they thought you were a woman | Kazuki, did you forget to flush again? | Well, I had some money a few minutes ago, but those damn censors stole it | And why are they called wanzers, anyway? I mean, why not just call them walking tanks? And another thing...
I knew I shouldn't have installed that power jack in the back of my skull... | YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO- *SYNTH CRUSH DEATH* | That's right, you're just going to LEAVE him behind and run | You're both fucking pansies | It's a cannon, and it's crazy. Pretty straight-forward... | Yeah... HE THREW MUD IN THEIR EYES! | It's George Clinton's WANZER OF FUNK! HE'S GONNA DROP DA BOMB ON THIS MUTHA! | So maybe you should stop | Wow, two broken sentences in the same text box! | He's MAD, I TELL YOU! MAD! | WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU! | Wow... How could a group of people using gigantic robot suits to fight against a gigantic international conspiracy gain stress?