Some wackily popular arcade game in the eighties. Of course, I was drinking from a bottle and crapping my pants through much of the eighties, so understandably I don't remember them very well.

Contributed by Seymont, who may not be stopped with a paramecium, but a euglena will work just as well.

And Scrizawn is still shivering.

Mr Plaid must be praying now!

More from James, Yuukichan's cousin by marriage.

Even more from Jason Claus, who's gonna do it HIS way!

"You cannot stop me with just a paramecium!"

Maybe you should try your guns instead... | Um, is that info supposed to be helping me? | Racist... | ALL YOUR BLASE ARE.. ah, screw it | What does world peace have to do with the fact that you're shivering? | The shopkeeper butchers the English language once again... | If playing keeps away evil gods, then by my game playing alone, Earth will be safe for a long time... | The God of War sounds like a complete pussy... | Now they face the forces of... JACK CHICK! | "Hustler Bam" sounds like a snuff magazine... | Um, what's going on here? | No more convienient place for an items store than deep space... | Well, now we'll obviously go for Bin Laiden... | What? Yukichan WITHOUT his papa? | Heh heh.. "Poo"... | Um, if he's in the sky, why would he be seasick? | These are the nice guys... Just stay away from the hard programmers... | Come on... I mean they're only GODS... | Praying to WHO?! | Don't you mean "Forgotten Worlds first"? | Miss Tron, we're rich!

Well, at least she asked nicely. | Fucking interstellar crises, always getting in the way of my dates with poorly-romanized ancient egyptian royalty.

And now, voiceacting in games hits an all time low...

Why does it sound like Fred Sanford's trying to be Rambo? | Maybe not, but the acting in Evil Dead 1 sounds like it would be... | He sounds bored saying that. I mean, if the line ends with an exclamation point at lest TRY to sound excited... | Um, what the hell's he saying? | Uh, right... | I think Frank Sinatra's corpse now want's to kick your ass... | I'm sure he's scared... | Now I shall kill you with my terrible acting. | Just my TERRIBLE acting! | I hope so, or else we might have to deal with more lines from you...