If you like contrived plotlines and deus ex machina, THIS IS THE FF FOR YOU!

Contributed by BrandonTCA and Fahbs, gother than Squall.

More quotes from Badman, who likes screaming and punching.

Booyaka! | Representing Tonberries everywhere is the one and only Benton Carbondale | Sexual innuendo


Death beyond death? Yeah, if you look closely at her ominous and scary statement, you just realize that she's totally retarded

Totally! | Fujin has just found her part in the latest FF8 doujinshi | Laguna's eyes are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world | Well, at least Ward's got a cool weapon... | YOU ARE MY GOOD FRIEND GATEY | It burns! It burns! | I have nothing to say. | Finally, Selphie says something that makes sense. | fEeL tEh wRaTH of pReSIdEnT hAx0r | Shut up, Zell. Please. | You know, that might actually work... | A classic Square insult

Brilliant | Way to dispel suspension of disbelief | WOAH | Dude, just follow your script | The hell? This is taking onomatopoeia too far | Worst visual representation of stuttering ever

DUDE! SWEET! | ...I see sexually confused people... | ...This supposed to be some subtle Microsoft slam? | Still, this whole incident is not as much of a disaster as when they green-lighted Battlefield Earth... | Zell really isn't a master of understanding a situation... | So the heads aren't real, but they can kill you? | Protip for translators: Above anything else, proof-read text that commonly appears during battle | In his place an extra "s" appeared | Then you have a very daring secret identity...

"My butt hurts from all this sitting... Young...LADY..." | I guess it's a mimic attack or something. DOPPEL! | Soldiers with shit for brains | Well, you can't argue with that line of reasoning | Chicken-wuss was always the last one picked for teams in school | I'd say she deserves a good spanking | OH, [baby]! | So this is where the writers of Terminator 3 got that idea from | Wait, isn't this implying he normally isn't a moron? | Throwing rocks at farm animals? That's real sporting

Now THAT'S team work I can do! | What-ever!