Contributed by BrandonTCA and Fahbs, gother than Squall.
More quotes from Badman, who likes screaming and punching.
Booyaka! | Representing Tonberries everywhere is the one and only Benton Carbondale | Sexual innuendo
Death beyond death? Yeah, if you look closely at her ominous and scary statement, you just realize that she's totally retarded
Totally! | Fujin has just found her part in the latest FF8 doujinshi | Laguna's eyes are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world | Well, at least Ward's got a cool weapon... | YOU ARE MY GOOD FRIEND GATEY | It burns! It burns! | I have nothing to say. | Finally, Selphie says something that makes sense. | fEeL tEh wRaTH of pReSIdEnT hAx0r | Shut up, Zell. Please. | You know, that might actually work... | A classic Square insult
Brilliant | Way to dispel suspension of disbelief | WOAH | Dude, just follow your script | The hell? This is taking onomatopoeia too far | Worst visual representation of stuttering ever
DUDE! SWEET! | ...I see sexually confused people... | ...This supposed to be some subtle Microsoft slam? | Still, this whole incident is not as much of a disaster as when they green-lighted Battlefield Earth... | Zell really isn't a master of understanding a situation... | So the heads aren't real, but they can kill you? | Protip for translators: Above anything else, proof-read text that commonly appears during battle | In his place an extra "s" appeared | Then you have a very daring secret identity...
"My butt hurts from all this sitting... Young...LADY..." | I guess it's a mimic attack or something. DOPPEL! | Soldiers with shit for brains | Well, you can't argue with that line of reasoning | Chicken-wuss was always the last one picked for teams in school | I'd say she deserves a good spanking | OH, [baby]! | So this is where the writers of Terminator 3 got that idea from | Wait, isn't this implying he normally isn't a moron? | Throwing rocks at farm animals? That's real sporting
Now THAT'S team work I can do! | What-ever!