So it wasn't quite Chrono Trigger. But then again, what is? Kudos to Square for perfecting the "Ball Punching Dissapointment" technique for the last quarter of the game.

From Brandaravon-om. Oh, and Fahbs, mate.

Kid, the proper englishwoman

Dear God. Poshul's cuteness will consume us all.

This reminds me: I wish that Judge Mills Lane had monster fighting in it to see who the judgement will go to.


Lucky Dan is god. | 2


Zoah has been kicked from #chronocross (turn of teh capslok dewd)

And of course, no Chrono sequel could go without a programmer's room.

I wouldn't ever fire this guy if I valued my life. A warning to Square.

Yes, the programmers all were completely insane, thus explaining the plot twists near the end of the game

Microsoft: Keep your eye on this guy!

One stylin' dude

Just think, in ten years he'll show his kids this game that he made, and when they see him in the ending he'll be talking about ass hair

The hairy bald man

Square's talent pool lies in the schitzophrenic ward at the local asylum

Damn straight

This man has no life

That's sort of like having "Assman" as your last name

Pure FUCKING evil...

Where are this guy's meds?

Rock it out...

I'm, uh, not a woman...

This kid has some issues. While I would be repelled just hearing someone talk about screwing my sister, this kid ENCOURAGES it.

Can anyone tell me why there are quotation marks? | Ho ho ho, how cute. Now die | Oh, yeah. Cellulite arms are sexy | I think this is supposed to give you some clue about the enemy's next action, but I just don't get it | Square has certainly come a long way from older (and arguably more helpful) battle messages such as this one | It is important to have good posture, Pokey! | Shit, havn't we gone over this already? | This is either a really stupid mistake or a nonsensical pun