I bet the big question on everyone's mind is, where does this one fit in the Capcom vs. SNK timeline?

Also, some of the dialogues in this game are incredibly long (for a fighting game).

From Yamcha Hibiki and VXH of Yamcha Hibiki vs. VXH: Chaos

"That's so oodely doodely cool!" | Nice laugh there

The best variation of "Fight!" yet | "Factory abandoned" | "Green of forest" | "Station obsolete" | "Nude place" | Audio: "Battle 'til dawn!"

Akuma: Akuma is such a badass, especially when he's facing himself

Balrog: Oh, there you go, SNK. Making up words again. Ascete? | A brilliant exchange between Balrog and Guile | Balrog needs to work on his pick-up lines

Choi: It certainly doesn't take much to get Choi riled up | Heh. "Pooh-pooh" | Maybe Bison would give Choi more respect if he stopped calling everyone "buddy boy" | Game over, man. Game over

Chun-li: But neither of them can hold a candle to King Slender | This is getting nasty | Instead of sizing up other womens' breasts, Chun-li notices their legs | So why doesn't Chun-li ever wear her uniform? And on that note, what's the deal with corn nuts? | "Overwhelming spirit... But!" | Haha, he called Chun-li "legs"

Crazy Iori: Balrog sure has a way with words | lol they're both animals

Crazy Ken: What the hell is Geese talking about? | Are they communicating through telepathy or something? | It's one of those aliens from Metal Slug!

Dan: What? What? What? What? | You'd think Dan would be able to recognize himself | Dan gets shot down by Demitri | Dhalsim is understandably confused | Oh shit, Dan's mad. RUN FOR IT, GUILE | You're STUPID, and you're gonna be STUPID and DEAD | Dan is one big noodnik | Hmm, what's going on here? | "All that punching's made you punch!" What?

Demitri: Haha, what a brilliant play on words, Demitri

Dhalsim: I think Dhalsim just found his calling in life | Dhalsim seems to be in denial | Someone give the writer of these dialogues a medal | OH, SNAP. YOU JUST GOT SERVED BY DHALSIM

Earthquake: Earthquake is a master of irony, or rather, irony has mastered him

Geese: I have to give them credit; the translation job on this game is high quality stuff. But it was only a matter of time before a silly mistake like this was found

Genj: Uh, Akuma sure likes saying what he's about do | Well that came out of nowhere... | "The dickens you say."

Goenitz: How dare you say such a thing of Brian! | The fist master? I don't want to know

Guile: Earthquake: compulsive liar? | John Stamos would be proud | SUPER SLAM | There must be something I'm missing | Haha, cauliflower-head. Man, how do they think of these things

Hugo: Hugo doesn't make any damn sense here | Dan is so very desperate for acceptance | Man, this is a long one | I'm seeing double here: four Hugos! | I like the boring, conventional characters 'cause they're the only ones I'm good with. shoto 4 lyfe | Good heavens, it's rasslin' time! | Why is Mai so surprised at the end there?

Iori: Chun-li is a godless commie. Iori should've known better

Kasumi: "Prepare yourself... uh... myself?!" | I always thought eastmost penninsula was the secret

Ken: Balrog, you scurrilous oaf! | Dan never learns | "I'll kill some time... and you, too." | Ken lays the verbal smackdown on Kyo | Another great insult. BTW, you might want to google "geisha" to completely understand this quote | You think you're so damn smart with your dictionary, Ryu | Uh, either they use the same cologne or I'm just not getting something | Gothic GUYS?

Kim: Oh, so Goenitz is an evil priest in a fighting game. That's something new | This must be frustrating as hell

Kyo: Balrog gets burrrrned

Mai: Akuma has the best lines | Damn, how do they expect me to play with just one hand??? | Mai vs. Chun-li. 'Nuff said | What kind of crazy, fucked up laugh is "f, f, f"?

Mars people: "Die! Silly shaped thing!" | Dan was raised by aliens?

M. Bison: Bison and his varied laughs. Is "HOAH" anything like Al Pacino's "HOO-AH"?

Mr. Karate: Balrog has had a few too many blows to the head | Well, this is interesting | Eloquence flows from Sagat's vocal cords: "Supercillious jester. You stick in my craw." | YEAHHH YOGA TOTALLY KICKS ASS

Ryo: Is this like one of those things where we read only what Balrog seems to hear? | Dan needs to work on his battle cries | Beefcake... BEEFCAKE! | A brilliant retort by M. Bison. Never have we heard such skill with words since Raul Julia's performance in Street Fighter: The Movie | Haha, "jumbo trunks" | Uh... alright then

Ryu: Akuma isn't one for words | I thought they just called him "Ryu" | Ryu criticizes Mai's dress (she seems to get a lot of that) | Woah, let's not get into philosophy here | "Do it?" Omigod, he can't mean...

Sagat: At the match's climax, Sagat whispers into Choi's ear, "Vermin." Choi's sudden fit of insanity leaves him open and he gets the last few ticks knocked of his health meter by a tiger uppercut | Was it really necessary for these two to add those "zingers" after their observations?

Shiki: More made-up words | If you take this far enough, you can conclude that Sagat is looking for a good time with one of the male sex | Akuma would totally destroy the canned goods aisle | Fascinating, captain

Terry: TOOSH? Don't you mean touché, moron? | "My balls!" | That's not a very fear-inspiring battle cry Dhalsim has | Terry sure knows how to push Ryu's buttons | How the hell does someone confuse Sagat with Joe?

Tessa: (Bong. ) | Choi is one smart cookie | Poor Dan... | Earthquake ends this dialogue with a very creepy line | This seems like it could be the seed of a Capcom vs. SNK hentai | "I know you are but what am I?" "I know you are but what am I?"

Vega: Ken throws one right back at Vega | Why did he speak in ebonics for just one sentence? | "Finely, someone who appreciates true beauty."

Zero: Will Choi ever find his soulmate? :( | Reply from zero.mhunters.net: bytes=32 time=17ms