Well, looks like more SHIT KEEPS FALLING, only with SD Capcom characters. Now, if it would only take after some of its ancestors and have NAKED SD Capcom characters, the world would be good. Or maybe horrible. I don't really know.

From Brad HD, looking cute while kicking ass. Puchu!

The Credits: Where's Kitt? | Anarchy "TAKAPON" is overthrowing the government one cutesy Capcom game at a time | Poor Saddy :(

Of course, that will help you in a puzzle game. | OH MAN, FUNNY PUN, HA HA! GET IT, BECAUSE LIKE GEMS ARE ROCKS AND DAN KICKS THE WORLD WITH HIS ROCK... so lonely... | Dan the brave | OH DEAR CHRIST... No, I can't handle it. | I think that "How do you like THEM apples" is one of the most sadly underused taunts in video gaming. Felicia, I love you. | Is that supposed to be a takeoff on the name of one of Alexi Pajinov's many failed Tetris follow-ups, Bombliss? Because absolutely no one gets it, except me. But no one gets me, either. | Dissing with the power of GEOMETRY! | No, but I guess it would be pretty funny if I was taking bonghits | First, the skimpily dressed catgirl... THEN THE WORLD! | Yes, an intense puzzle battle sure gives you a bad case of the shits. That's the least cute thing I've ever heard Felicia say.