Oh man. I never figured out how to get anywhere in this game. I am sad. From BrandonTCA and BarrelO, two members of the giant comintern snake. Crush the capitalists in your giant robotic symbol of the superiority of Marxism!

They truly are the toughest group of people! | "A Kain is up there and the commander has the key." | Those must be damn good boots if you have to go ALL the way back to China to get them. | The one quote that made me laugh harder than any of the rest, is this one. =) | Now this quote isn't particularly funny by itself, but it comes out from NOWHERE, no mention in the game, or even in the damn instruction booklet! | Zain! I'll destroy you 'til the last circuit!"

One | Two

"The African Earth" | Xenogears fans should know that this is a bastardized spelling of "Yggdrasil" | What? Hentai demons? | "CHASE MATIC!" | Gee, will the excitement never cease?