The last great Mega Man X game, even if they DID pointlessly name everyone after Guns and Roses members... Unless X7 ends up being good

From Officer Jack McWhalen

The great question: "Akiteru?" | Ah, I love the good ol' "Capcom All Staff" | An arrogant villian? | STOP HIM BEFORE HE MAKES A REALLY PATHETIC APPEARANCE ON THE MTV MUSIC AWARDS! | But I wan't to explore the bottomless pit! | ...Seems like "Fire!" would be a more appropriate command | SO LONELY | Don't let Hideo Kojima hear this, or we'll get a forty hour speech from Otacon when he also throws in yet ANOTHER embarassing part of his past in, like he jerks off to and draws cyber dick-shitting nipple furries | Um, he's not a Captain | Looks pretty destroyed to me... | ...What? | Dynamo: the REALLY whiny bitch "extra" boss | I'd say he's on crack | First off, you screwed up the word "Crystal". Secondly, why use a Crystal Ball when you can USE DE POWA OF DE TAROT! CALL ME NOW, MON! | OH SHIT | HOT HOT OMG CUM UR PANTZ!!!!!!11! | The most infamous of all the Robot Masters in this one: Duff McWhalen | Megaman's gonna CHOOSE LIFE AND THEN LIVE! | OH WOW! | FIGHTING IN A MEGAMAN GAME? WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT! | Also, pay no attention to the GIANT W that sometimes appears on your forehead | Number one reploid you are. Transform to Yoda, I seem to | OH GOD THE DICKS SIGMAS | Is this what happened to Wily's "reject robots"? | But the spikes look so inviting and nice! | The lesson: try being nice when meeting a Robot Master, or you could end up in a fight | Please, don't kill others if they won't shut up | WE MUST SECURE THE OCEAN AREAS FROM THE TERRISTS! | ...I thought it was only one scientist... | ...Deep... | ...Did Zero steal that really crappy line from Captain Planet? | THE DARK FORCE OF THE RUBBER MOUSE | I hope X has some kind of weapon! | The NRA would be proud to see you fighting with giant plasma cannons | Sigma once again shows his strange "Yoda-like outbursts" | X then decides to try some aroma therapy | X is a DIRTY THIEF | TAKE YOUR LESSONS FROM MUHAMMAD ALI(A) | Yeah, he's only DESTROYED SIGMA FOUR TIMES | To the underworld? GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE, YOU NERD!

I guess Megaman has some traumatic memories of his days as a WWII codebreaker | Forget about lasers, you need a space-age futuristic grammar-checker-o-tron | Business is slow in the weapons brokerage industry, so Grizzly Slash makes a bit of money on the side as a GODDAMN FORTUNE TELLER | Take water from the ocean? Oh no! But it can't spare even one drop! | WARNING: HUGE BATTLESHIPS CODE NO EP30 "EMPEROR FOSSIL" CODE NO QU10 "QUEEN FOSSIL" IS APPROACHING FAST | You see? Even a hybrid of Buzz Lightyear and a Sentinel from the X-Men comics still needs to be loved! | Damn your buggy bloatware to hell, Dr. Light! | I think I will get this engraved on my tombstone | Cocky little bastard, isn't he? | So basically, it's a suit of armor that lets you stand in one spot and get pummelled? SOLD!!!