You know, I'd like to say something derisive about this game, but saying anything bad about a Zelda series game will have me fucked in the ass faster than a thumbless man in a penal institution.

You know, because he couldn't hold soap properly. OH GOD THE DICKS.

From Icetigris, who dislikes smoke

Wow, I am truly amzed | You know, maybe if its parents would have paid more attention to it, that bat wouldn't have started on the drugs and promiscuous sex, and then maybe it wouldn't have gone bad! | I guess it really is bad if it causes dry heaves like that | Really, a mode of transportation fit for royalty | The monkeys talk like Ayla, therefore we can assume that the path of evolution is Monkeys -> Hotties -> Modern Man | Hard hitting interrogaton from the fox-pikachu-thing | Christ, it's only been 50,000 years, we can't exactly evolve past the whole monkey smell overnight