I don't care what you say, this is the definitive Zelda. You can take your blurry-ass N64 polygons and have polygon-sex with them or something.

The wonderfully written intro! A winner is you! | Part 2 of the intro: "All of Treasures" | Part 3 of the intro: "Please look up the manual for details"

"Eastmost Penninsula is the secret."

"Buy somethin' will ya!"

"It's a secret to everybody."

"Let's play money making game!"

Thanks for narrowing it down, bub.

"Secret is in the tree at the dead-end"

Ummm... No comment.

"Digdogger hates certain kind of sound"

"Ones who does not have Triforce can't go in"

I think this is a subtle way of telling Link he has some snot on his nose

"Spectacle Rock is an entrance to death"

"Eyes of Skull has a secret"

"Dodongo dislikes smoke"

The cinematic ending!