Goemon wasn't a fucking ninja. Uncultured morons! HURRRR.

From The Jade Emperor of Quiz Master.

More from the ninja cat smcn.

Well, obviously

No, it's an hourglass. Stupid. | Wait a second, when was the more than one story here? | Somebody shoot this guy.. | Isn't it funny how unknown languages in videogames are always depicted as a bunch of random crap symbols? | Well, obviously | Why thank you. Now don't touch my personal stuff anymore!! | You heard it here first | Food-filching fiend!! | Probably all over the landscape | This guy has the train of thought of a thumbtack | What a shitty job | Pleas make sense! | Apperently somewhere out there is a town called "Quiz Master" | You just know a Zone with a name like this will rock | I could never win this game cause it made no damn sense | Get with the times, old lady | If you don't know what something is, it must be pretty damn hard to look for it | The Otafu Army sure have a kick-ass reputation | AND I AM MYSTICAL NINJA MAN, KID YING. | I am hero alright.

Maybe she's an EVIL ghost? | Good to know!