Thanks to Badman for Best I can tell, this is an old NES game where you're a wizard...or warrior..of sorts, anyway you're a guy trying to find...something. Think sidescroller with some RPG elements. I wonder why it wasn't hugely popular...
Are you asking me or telling me? | I pay with money for trade, yes? | WHO IS TALKING TO ME?! | Yeah, what about it? | Sssudently I cantt sseeee verry goodld... | Apparently he's a midget, too. | I wonder what the rent is on that... | Why so angry? | He doesn't look very angry.. | It's Grog! It's grog, isn't it! GROG! | So anger fades quickly then, I guess. | With detailed directions like this, who needs a map?! | And what a wizard! | Would Gail appreciate that? | Yeah, man! If you wanna get HIGH! | Wouldn't that hurt? | Why? So you can JACK UP THE PRICE when I need more?! BASTARD! | Oooh, unicorn puts adventurer in his place. | He's getting angry... | Well that was anti-climactic... | Oh, so that's his name. What an odd name. | What a marketing pitch!